AWS Alliance & Innovation Strategy Leader

Nikody Keating

Focused. Confident. Always learning.

I've interacted with Trek10 for a while now, which is one of the main reasons I am joining. I have always had tremendous respect for the approach Trek10 takes, and how the company engages with its customers.

I have experience taking point on most roles when working and delivering technology. From that experience I have found the only consistent way to deliver great products is if everyone is able to contribute the unique value they bring and feel valued for it. With that I have been able to architect and build multiple systems that have won national attention and awards.

On the personal side, I have a family of five, listen to audio books, am a huge fan of the Seahawks. I also have a startup I created to help with data collection in special education in public schools and with my remaining time I blog about information to help leadership in serverless technology.