Trek10 DevOps

DevOps on AWS - Tools, processes, and enablement to make cloud native DevOps work for you

DevOps should not be hard

Hit the easy button with Trek10

Trek10 leverages the best AWS native and third party tools for code-defined infrastructure, continuous integration, and automated deployment pipelines. As one of the first AWS DevOps Competency Partners globally, we provide the AWS-focused expertise and DevOps methodologies that make our clients’ software output more efficient, reliable, and high quality. Whether your preference is CodePipeline, GitLab, Jenkins or other tooling, Trek10 has a set of best practices to optimize your workflow.

Trek10 Guest Content

GitLab Guest Blog Post

Building Serverless Pipeline with CloudWatch Events

We pride ourselves on pushing the cutting edge and defining best practices around cloud native DevOps tooling. This is why we partnered with GitLab on a best practices design for AWS multi-account SAM deployments with GitLab CI. Check out the blog post to learn more.

SAM Plugin for Jenkins

Trek10 and AWS Build the Official SAM Plugin for Jenkins

When enterprise developers wanted a simpler way to implement CI/CD pipelines with AWS’s Serverless Application Model (SAM), AWS and CloudBees turned to the Trek10 DevOps team. Our DevOps engineers worked closely with the AWS SAM and the Jenkins teams to produce a plugin that packages both CloudFormation and SAM templates with a security-first approach.

This webinar, produced by Trek10 and AWS, defines best practices for designing an AWS multi-account CI/CD framework that is scalable to hundreds of AWS accounts. We provide an approach for automating dynamic feature branch pipelines, discuss local vs. cloud testing, and review secrets management with cross-account security.

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