Title Session Description
Nine Serverless Patterns: Intro to Lambda for Startups [Coinbase] To attend one of our AWS Loft events, visit us at one of our many locations - https://amzn.to/36X0puC. Have you ever wanted to learn more about AWS Lambda but aren't sure where to start, or the key benefits? Interested to hear more context on how startups are using Lambda to solve problems internally and the many application scenarios? Using his own challenges, Luke Demi, Engineer at Coinbase, shares how he's been able to speed up developer productivity and solve scaling problems by leveraging AWS Lambda. He'll break down the benefits, how it works with specific use cases, and dive deep by using nine common serverless patterns as a backdrop to explain AWS Lambda. See a practical walkthrough and gain insights into how you can leverage AWS Lambda for your startup.
AWS re:Invent 2019: MySQL options on AWS: Self-managed, managed, and serverless (DAT316-R1) In recent years, MySQL has become a top database choice for new application development and migration from overpriced, restrictive commercial databases. In this session, we provide an overview of the MySQL and MariaDB options available on AWS. We also do a deep dive on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), a fully managed MySQL service; Amazon Aurora, a MySQL-compatible database with up to five times the performance; and many additional innovations.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Smart meters, data lakes, and serverless for Utilities (PNU301) In this session, we review the business drivers, benefits, and technical architecture switching from a legacy meter data system to one based on AWS services. A major EU utility needed to ingest 12.5 billion raw data points from smart meters that generated 288 million messages per day. Learn how they switched from monolith applications based on application servers and relational databases to a reengineered, redesigned serverless application based on AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, and—in its newest version— AWS IoT Core and AWS IoT Greengrass. We end the session by highlighting lessons learned and benefits gained.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Accelerate business innovation with serverless applications (GPSBUS210) Although this Global Partner Summit session is open to anyone, it is geared toward current and potential AWS Partner Network Partners. Serverless technology allows you to build modern applications with increased agility and lower total cost of ownership. You can focus on product innovation and shorten your time-to-market without worrying about provisioning, maintaining, and scaling servers for backend components such as compute, databases, storage, stream processing, and message queueing. In this session, learn how to start innovating with serverless services like AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon EventBridge, and AWS Step Functions. We conclude the session with customer stories of accelerating innovation and driving business value with the help of our APN partners.
AWS re:Invent 2019: HSBC: Meeting requirements for open banking with serverless (FSI306) To improve competition, regulators in regions including the UK, Mexico, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia have issued open banking requirements. HSBC has addressed the regulation’s requirements to share customer data with third-party service providers by building a serverless architecture on AWS. This session explores how HSBC embraced APIs and built an open banking solution using AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and other AWS Managed Services, including Amazon RDS. Learn how HSBC is using AWS globally to meet open banking requirements and handle the thousands of API calls the bank receives every day.
AWS re:Invent 2019: [REPEAT 1] Networking best practices for serverless applications (SVS404-R1) Serverless technologies such as AWS Lambda have removed the burden of server management, but what about networking? When should you put a Lambda in an Amazon VPC? How do you balance security vs. the flexibility offered by Lambda? What are the best practices for working with private endpoints, NATs, and peering? In this session, we go over the best practices of working with Lambda functions from a networking perspective. We talk about how networking impacts performance and cost and how to make sure that your network design allows for scale and meeting strict security concerns.
AWS re:Invent 2019: [REPEAT 1] Serverless at scale: Design patterns and optimizations (SVS335-R1) You’ve built your first serverless application, and it works beautifully. As traffic increases, you might discover that small changes make a big difference in performance or cost. In this session, we explore the common challenges that customers encounter at scale with early serverless architectures and the approaches to optimize them.
AWS re:Invent 2019: [REPEAT 1] CI/CD for serverless applications (SVS336-R1) As developers have migrated to building serverless applications, they often wonder what has to change about their CI/CD workflows. The answer, not much. In this session, we break down how to think about CI/CD when building with serverless technologies such AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. We cover using technologies like AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to build CI/CD pipelines for serverless applications. We also demonstrate how you can take advantage of technologies like canary deployments, pre-traffic hooks, post-traffic hooks, and alerts to perform safe deployments of your serverless applications.
AWS re:Invent 2019: [REPEAT 1] The serverless journey of shop.LEGO.com (SVS320-R1) Connecting the LEGO play experience with millions of people requires an innovative platform. This has fueled the cloud migration of the legacy e-commerce application. In this session, we walk you through the principles, the approach, the learnings, and of course the serverless technologies that made the vision a reality. We cover multiple real-world use cases such as the integration of the e-commerce platform with the tax system, and the implementation of an event-streaming platform.
AWS re:Invent 2019: [REPEAT 1] Serverless stream processing pipeline best practices (SVS317-R1) Streaming data pipelines are increasingly used to replace batch processing with real-time decision-making for use cases including log processing, real-time monitoring, data lake analytics, and machine learning. Join this session to learn how to leverage Amazon Kinesis and AWS Lambda to solve real-time ingestion, processing, storage, and analytics challenges. We introduce design patterns and best practices as well as share a customer journey in building large-scale real-time serverless analytics capabilities.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Powering digital billboards with serverless (SVS209-S) Digital billboards are everywhere from buildings to signs to transit stops. Place Exchange, a prominent auction platform for digital billboards, runs over 50,000 concurrent auctions 24/7 for placements on connected billboards in the world’s largest cities. In this talk, the Place Exchange team shares the challenges of managing, monitoring, and scaling a hybrid environment of edge devices all powered by a 100 percent serverless auction platform. This presentation is brought to you by Datadog, an APN Partner.
AWS re:Invent 2019: [REPEAT 1] Building serverless micro frontends at the edge (NET310-R1) Your users expect a fast and dynamic web experience, but this can be a challenge when you have thousands of users across the globe. How can you balance low-latency delivery and content personalization while scaling seamlessly to meet user demand? In this session, learn how to use Amazon CloudFront and Lambda@Edge to personalize your website, harden its security, and do canary releases and agile deployments. Hear from DAZN, a global sports streaming platform, about how it built serverless micro frontends on AWS.
AWS re:Invent 2019: AWS SAM toolkit: Build, test & debug your serverless applications (DEM158) In this demo, we take a tour of AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and the AWS SAM CLI. Learn how to use AWS SAM and the AWS SAM CLI to declaratively express, build, and deploy your serverless applications. We also share best practices for using the AWS SAM CLI for local testing and debugging AWS Lambda functions and Amazon API Gateway, right from your favorite IDE and preferred development workflow.
AWS re:Invent 2019: PostgreSQL options on AWS: Self-managed, managed, and serverless (DAT317-R1) In this session, we provide an overview of the PostgreSQL options available on AWS. We also do a deep dive on Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL, a fully managed PostgreSQL service; and Amazon Aurora, a PostgreSQL-compatible database with up to three times the performance of standard PostgreSQL. Learn about the features, functionality, and many innovations in these two services. In doing so, you also gain the background to choose the right service to solve different technical challenges and the knowledge to easily move between services as your requirements change over time.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Migrating applications to serverless Apache Kafka + KSQL (ARC207-S) You were using Apache Kafka on premises a few years ago and have been happily building applications with it since then. But now it’s well past time to move to the cloud, and you'd like to refactor your first application to something that feels more native to the cloud. In this talk, we demonstrate doing this with a fictional application, migrating the data from on premises to Confluent Cloud and converting the previous on-premises monolith to a set of stateless microservices fed by real-time, continuous KSQL queries. Leave this session with a clear understanding of how to do the same in your own stack. This presentation is brought to you by Confluent, an APN Partner.
AWS re:Invent 2019: How Woot.com built a serverless data lake with AWS analytics (ANT333) Woot.com designed and developed a data lake as a replacement for their legacy data warehouse to deliver powerful analytics capabilities across multiple business areas. In this session, learn how it used Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, and Amazon QuickSight to build an automated process to ingest and centralize data from external and internal sources for immediate analysis.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Scalable serverless event-driven applications using Amazon SQS & Lambda (API304) Event-driven integration patterns emerged to enable integration between serverless applications at scale. Join this session to learn best practices for integrating serverless applications using Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) triggers. We dive deep into the architecture of Amazon SQS triggers to AWS Lambda and how it was engineered to autoscale your Lambda functions. Explore how to tune Lambda and Amazon SQS to scale your existing applications without having to worry about provisioning capacity.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Using containers & serverless to accelerate application development (CON213-L) In this session, learn how AWS can help you innovate faster with containers and serverless. Join us for a rare and intimate discussion with AWS senior leaders David Richardson, VP, Serverless, and Deepak Singh, VP, Compute Services, Containers, and Linux. Hear them share development best practices and discuss key lessons from building modern applications. Also, learn how developers can leverage containers and AWS Lambda to build and run production applications in the cloud.
AWS re:Invent 2019: [REPEAT 1] Securing enterprise-grade serverless apps (SVS310-R1) In this session, we discuss the development practices and architectural principles that the most innovative builders are implementing to secure their serverless applications in the cloud. Join us as we cover security considerations for serverless applications and discuss strategies to minimize risks and protect against threats.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Automatically scale a serverless app with Amazon Textract & MongoDB (SVS210-S) Working with disorganized data is expensive and wasteful. One area in which this is readily apparent is the legal field, especially during the data discovery phase. In this session, we use Amazon Textract, Amazon Comprehend, and MongoDB Atlas to build a serverless product that seamlessly ingests documents and intelligently organizes their data, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. We show you how to easily interconnect these services using AWS Lambda as a backend and how to quickly create web and mobile user interfaces using MongoDB Realm. This presentation is brought to you by MongoDB, an APN Partner.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Develop serverless GraphQL architectures using AWS AppSync (MOB309-R1) AWS AppSync is the managed GraphQL service of AWS. In addition to queries, mutations, and subscriptions, AWS AppSync integrates seamlessly with many AWS data sources, VPC resources, and external sources, including microservices and other GraphQL endpoints. Learn how to rapidly develop a GraphQL data layer in your architecture, assisted by generated resolvers, declarative security, and client libraries. BMW joins us to share how it used AWS AppSync to build a holistic, data-centric GraphQL API for vehicle signals.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Aurora Serverless: Scalable, cost-effective application deployment (DAT382) Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand, automatic scaling configuration for Aurora where the database automatically starts up, shuts down, and scales capacity up or down based on your application’s needs. It enables you to run your database in the cloud without managing any database instances. Aurora Serverless is a simple, cost-effective option for infrequent, intermittent, or unpredictable workloads. In this session, we explore these use cases, take a look under the hood, and delve into the future of serverless databases.
AWS re:Invent 2019: IoT big data pipeline for serverless analytics and anomaly detection (CMY305) In this talk, we walk through the process of building an end-to-end big data pipeline using AWS managed services. Follow along and learn how to detect anomalous trajectories across different transportation industries ingesting IoT geo-referenced data and receiving real-time insights with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics and AWS Glue. At the end of this session, you’ll understand how to customize and deploy this solution at scale.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Scaling to billions of requests the serverless way at Capital One (DEM34-S) Stream processing tools like Apache Spark and Flink are the default choice for big data processing, but these frameworks also come with high development and operation costs. Serverless streaming architecture is an alternative solution that brings significant reduction in these costs and allows developers to focus on business delivery, not infrastructure management. This session explores how Capital One used serverless streaming architecture to provide real-time insights for millions of customers through its intelligent assistant Eno. Learn how high-throughput streaming loads can be handled with ease as well as how message-driven architecture can be implemented using Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Kinesis for complex asynchronous applications. This presentation is brought to you by Capital One, an APN Partner.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Self-service AWS Serverless Application Model (DEM05-S) Security is paramount at Coinbase, and this includes its serverless applications. However, Coinbase doesn’t want security to get in the way of its developers’ productive and smooth serverless experience. Come learn how to use the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to develop serverless applications in a security-conscious organization. See how understanding features of AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) helps you provide a secure way to take your serverless ideas to production. We also go over our open-source tool Fenrir, which has reduced time and friction in the deployment of serverless applications while maintaining high security standards. This presentation is brought to you by Coinbase, an APN Partner.
AWS re:Invent 2019: From prototype to org-wide serverless adoption: Key considerations (SVS226) You heard about the benefits of serverless and are intrigued. Maybe your team even put together a small prototype in a tenth of the time and half the budget. Moving from hype to production, though, will require extra scrutiny. Learn about best practices around serverless security, performance, cost, data management, CI/CD, tooling, and team organization that enable teams to adopt serverless microservices and deliver innovative projects on time and under budget.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Performing chaos engineering in a serverless world (CMY301) The principles of chaos engineering have been battle-tested for years using traditional infrastructure and containerized microservices. But how do they work with serverless functions and managed services? In this session, we cover the motivations behind chaos engineering, how we perform chaos experiments, and what some of the common weaknesses are that we can test for in our serverless applications. We also run some actual experiments in a serverless AWS environment. Join us as we move from talking about principles to performing real chaos-engineering experiments for serverless.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Twelve-factor serverless applications (SVS365-P) This presentation was recorded prior to re:Invent. The twelve-factor application model is composed of twelve best practices for building modern, cloud-native applications. With guidance on factors like configuration, deployment, runtime, and multiple-service communication, the twelve-factor model prescribes practices that apply to everything from web applications to APIs and data-processing applications. Although serverless computing and AWS Lambda have changed application development, the twelve-factor methodology remains relevant and applicable in a serverless world. In this talk, we apply the twelve-factor model to serverless application development with Lambda and Amazon API Gateway, and we demonstrate how these services enable you to create scalable, well-built, low-administration applications.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Selecting your first serverless pilot (SVS242-P) This presentation was recorded prior to re:Invent. Serverless microservices architecture is the native architecture of the cloud that enables you to shift more of your operational responsibilities to AWS, increasing your agility and innovation. In this session, we explore some tips and best practices that will help you select your first serverless workload, including how to best position yourself for success. We also explore what success could look like. Finally, in addition to discussing tactical elements like prerequisites, size, complexity, and importance, we offer suggestions for how to set expectations within your organization and your team.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Amplifying fullstack serverless apps with AWS AppSync (MOB306-P) This presentation was recorded prior to re:Invent. AWS AppSync enables you to create robust, scalable GraphQL APIs to securely access and manipulate data from multiple sources and build engaging, collaborative applications that deliver responsive user experiences, providing offline and real-time capabilities. The Amplify Framework enables you to easily build and connect to your serverless backend with a powerful toolchain and resource library. The Amplify console provides a Git-based workflow for deploying and hosting fullstack serverless web applications, providing out-of-the-box CI/CD capabilities. In this session, learn how to use AWS AppSync and the Amplify Framework to create, deploy, and host engaging fullstack serverless applications, speeding up backend and front-end development in addition to CI/CD and automation.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Powering Zillow 3D Home tours with AWS serverless (ARC374-P) This presentation was recorded prior to re:Invent. Home buyers value the ability to experience a home before visiting it. To empower them to do so, Zillow launched its 3D Home tour product nationwide in March 2019. Zillow built a highly performant, scalable, and reliable computer vision and media processing pipeline powered by AWS Step Functions, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon CloudWatch, and Amazon S3. This architecture enabled Zillow to provide an immersive experience that continues to enhance and transform the home buying process. In this talk, Zillow discusses the evaluation process for its chosen technologies, and it provides an in-depth breakdown of the architecture and resulting cost savings.
AWS re:Invent 2019: Amazon.com: Reducing time to market & TCO using serverless (ARC373-P) This presentation was recorded prior to re:Invent. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) educational toys as a subscription—it started as a program manager’s dream about selling to Amazon.com customers, and it took seven months and four engineers working in a serverless environment for this dream to come to fruition. This serverless solution has scaled to support hundreds of subscription businesses both within and outside the company, with minimal operational engineering costs. In this session, learn how this small and scrappy team was able to quickly deliver STEM education to its customers using a simple and well-designed serverless approach leveraging Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS CloudFormation, and Amazon CloudWatch.